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PIA mi s-a părut foarte simplu de instalat pe Windows și Android și, deși nu l-am încercat, presupun că are un standard similar și pentru alte platforme, cum ar fi Linux și Mac. În timp ce nu este cel mai rapid VPN care există, vitezele sunt consecvente, cu puțin mai multă latență în zonele în care există mai puține servere, cum ar fi Hong Kong și Australia.
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Cea mai recentă recenzie pozitivă a unui utilizator
Instalare usoara. Au adăugat recent zeci de servere noi. Nu am nici o problemă cu privire la viteză. D... efecte: ar putea folosi o metodă mai ușoară de schimbare a serverelor. Ar putea să utilizeze o criptare de nivel superior, ca Private Internet Access. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, HBO și alte servicii de streaming blochează serverele lui Nord, asa că este dificil (dar nu imposibil) să faci streaming. Nu a trebuit niciodată să contactez Support pentru vreo problemă.Mai mult
Cea mai recentă recenzie negativă a unui utilizator
PIA no longer works on Amazon Fire devices.
I have used PIA for several years with no issues. Currently, amazon fire devices can no longer sign i... n to the account. Used on 3 TVs with 3 different fire devices with the same result. There is no way to resolve the issue.Mai mult
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AirVPN is a budget-friendly option that claims to provide robust protection against online threats. Plus, it says it offers high-performance servers. But can it really rival the top VPNs, or is the price so low because it’s not that good?
After testing all its features, I found that AirVPN is secure, but it can't match the best VPNs. It has many great security features, solid speeds, and work...
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Cea mai recentă recenzie pozitivă a unui utilizator
I am AirVpn cusomers since 2015, and on my gear works remarkably well
I am working in the biggest country in Asia since 2006. I constantly use AirVpn on my MacBook Pro sinc... e 2015, and on my iPhone - iPad. I never had an issue, of any kind, with it, and I was quite amazed to read the article above. Lately, it is very difficult to get it properly run on iPhone and iPad, but this is more the result of this country where I live in restrictions than the vpn in itself. While in Hong Kong was still working fine, but as soon as I crossed the border troubles started. I will tweak that as soon as I will be out again. In the rest of the world, I never had issues. So I do not give the 5th star just because of my at present troubles using it on my iPhone and iPad. For the rest, I will stick with it.Mai mult
Cea mai recentă recenzie negativă a unui utilizator
14 Eyes country
Italy is a 14 Eyes country and that is enough reason to not buy AirVPN. No servers in Russia, so you c... ant bypass the Western censorship of Russian media. VPN should be about bypassing censorship, but this is not the case with AirVPN.Mai mult