Dupa ce te inscrii pe site, dw programul, il instalezi, pierzi 15 minute si apoi iti spune ca nu datele de logare introduse nu sunt corecte. Soliciti schimbarea parolei, introduci cu atentie parola, aceiasi eroare. Mai ceri odata username-ul ca sa fi sigur ca nu faci ceva gresit si cea sa vezi. Surpiza?! Aceiasi eroare. Pentru mine un mare rahat. No Go!!
I have used many VPNs but ProtonVPN is more convenient because of its transparency. Support, Valuing the Community, Answering Questions is what makes me trust them. For the technical side, I haven't found any problems. I tested many servers, all using DNSSec. The Stealth invisibility feature is very useful I have tried it in one of the countries I visited (some providers block vpn networks).
It's really a great vpn that I wanted. I tried others but I go for Proton Plus. For almost a year I'm using it and never face any issues. Speed is incredibly good with the accelerator. A no-log policy that is very secure.