Dupa ce te inscrii pe site, dw programul, il instalezi, pierzi 15 minute si apoi iti spune ca nu datele de logare introduse nu sunt corecte. Soliciti schimbarea parolei, introduci cu atentie parola, aceiasi eroare. Mai ceri odata username-ul ca sa fi sigur ca nu faci ceva gresit si cea sa vezi. Surpiza?! Aceiasi eroare. Pentru mine un mare rahat. No Go!!
REFUSED TO REMOVE MY GMAIL account information after trying their ProtonMail application. After being happy as a VPN customer, i tried ProtonMail. I stupidly allowed them to access my Gmail account, then when I was unhappy with the product, I could not get their service to remove my Gmail account, and it continued accessing my account. I was forced to use Google to remove their access because their support organization would not help me. Then, I demanded they close my account and remove my personal data under the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) in Switzerland. They have refused thus far with no response. They have thus far still not removed my account.
Recently migrated to ProtonVPN from another VPN provider. Using manual OpenVpn setup 2.6.x with DCO. Good service but... ProtonVPN does not allow data cipher AES-128-GCM, only AES-256-GCM. The former cipher is faster, and just as secure as the latter cipher. Using AES-128-GCM for my TLS cipher but would also like it for my data cipher. Would help speed improvements.